Streetsense: Communication, Safety, and Control, Fourth Edition (Tulsa: PennWell/JEMS, publication pending in 2019)
A Worthy Expedition: The History of NOLS (Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot/Falcon, 2017)
Principles of Emergency Medical Dispatch, Fourth Edition, with Jeff J. Clawson, MD (Salt Lake City, Priority Press, 2008).
Principles of Emergency Medical Dispatch, Third Edition, with Jeff J. Clawson, MD (Salt Lake City, Priority Press, 2000).
Principles of Emergency Medical Dispatch, Second Edition, with Jeff J. Clawson, MD (Salt Lake City, Priority Press, 1998).
Streetsense: Communication, Safety, and Control, Third Edition (Redmond, WA: Laing Research, 1996).
Taigman’s Advanced Cardiology (In Plain English), under pseudonym of Syd Canan, with Charly Miller and Mike Taigman (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Brady, 1995).
EMS Safety: Techniques and Applications (Washington, DC: FEMA Publication #FA-144, 1994).
Streetsense: Communication, Safety, and Control, Second Edition (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Brady Communication Co., Inc., 1990).
Principles of Emergency Medical Dispatch, with co-author Jeff J. Clawson, MD (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Brady Communications Company, 1988).
Streetsense: Communication, Safety, and Control (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Brady Communication Co., Inc., 1985).
Writing Beyond The Rules: Juxtaposition, Disruption, and Multiple Genres, by Joyce R. Walker & Jessie C. Borgman (Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil, 2008): “When The Pressure’s On: Timed Writing,” and “A Walk Around The Car: Asking Questions, Seeking the Unknown.”)
Paramedic Care: Principles & Practices, Bryan Bledsoe, et al. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Brady, 2000), Chapter 2: Wellbeing of the Paramedic, and Chapter 11: Therapeutic Communication
The Paramedics, Mosby, 1999. Chapters on Interpersonal Communications Skills and Death and Dying.
First Responder: A Skills Approach, 4th Edition, Karren/ Hafan/ Limmer (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Brady, 1995), Chapter 2.
Vital Link, Volume One, by American College of Emergency Physicians. (Dallas: ACEP, 1993, Lesson Five: “Streetsense for Scene Safety”).
Advanced Emergency Care for Paramedic Practice, by Jones, Weigel, et al. (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1992). Chapters on EMS Communication and Rescue Management.
2013 “Unplugged” in South Loop Review, Volume 15 (Autumn).
2012 “Rehab,” in Animal Literary Magazine ( on Sept. 28, posted in Nonfiction)
2012 “Destination” in online journal, The Whistling Fire (, on March 8)
2012 “Uneven Terrain” in online journal, Apropos ( on January 2, 2012)
2011 “Coming Back” in online journal, Airplane Reading ( in November 2011)
2011 Photo of two boys in wash tub (Nicaragua), in “Photographic Celebration of Journeys of Solutions” event at New York Wine & Culinary Center, Nov.2011.
2010 “Intersections” in Saying Goodbye (an anthology by Dream of Things)
2010 “Ranch Hands” in Fourth Genre (Spring issue)
2009 “Walking to Extremes in Iceland and New Mexico” by Howard McCord (book review) in Third Coast (fall issue)
2011: “Tough” Third Place Winner of the “Hard Times” contest at The Writers’ Workshop (Asheville NC)
2010: Inducted: Phi Kappa Phi (for graduate students, an honorary society for those ranking in the upper 10 percent of their class)
2009: Winner: prize for nonfiction, WMU English Department, for “Intersections.” - judge Michael Steinberg
2008: Winner: Bernadine P. Carlson Prize for Creative Nonfiction, WMU English Department, for “Ranch Hands.”
2006: Inducted: Lambda Iota Tau (international honor society for students of literature)
2006: Named “Outstanding Student” for the Department of English, Aquinas College
2006: Awarded “Outstanding Continuing Ed Student” for Aquinas College in the Grand Rapids Area Higher Education Network (GRAHEN)
2005: Winner, fiction writing contest for Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Resource Center, Aquinas College, for “Walking on Eggshells.”
2005: “Household Chores” (creative non-fiction) selected for inclusion in Sampler XVII, the Aquinas College literary magazine.
2003: Winner, fiction writing contest for Jane Hibbard Idema Women’s Resource Center, Aquinas College, for “The X Factor.”
GENERALLY WRITE, focusing on multiple topics since 2015, all fully available on the website. See
DESIGN DESTINATIONS, (guest blogger) focusing on travel and design. See
“Tips From Other Travelers” — Nov.2018
“Antarctic Ice (Part Two)” — June 2018
“Antarctica: All That Ice! (Part One)” — June 2018
“Oh, Those Penguins!” — May 2018
“Chomolhari: Bhutan’s Goddess Mountain” — Mar.2018
“Denali: The Mountain” — Oct.2017
“Aerial Alaska” — Sept.2017
“Underwater World (Palau #2)” – Aug.2017
“Speaking of Faraway Places (Palau #1)” — Aug.2017
“Women’s March” – Jan.2017
“Road Trip!” — Nov.2016
“Up North, 2016” — Sept.2016
“Camp Life: Grand Canyon” — Aug.4, 2014
“Canyon Hiking” — Jun.26, 2014
“Grand Canyon from the Water” — Jun.6, 2014
“Cambodia: A Surprising Journey” — May 12, 2014
“The Splendor of Whales” — Apr.22, 2014
“Fording Rivers” — Feb.10, 2014
“On Thorns and Also Termites” — Dec.9, 2013
“Great Walk Camp Life” — Nov.19, 2013
“The Great Walk of Africa” — Nov.12, 2013
“Silly Elephants!” — Oct.7, 2013
“Muir Woods National Monument” — Aug.24, 2013
Creatures in My Yard – June 5, 2012
The Cobblestones of Prague – May 28, 2012
“Look To The Sky” — April 23, 2012
“The Grandness of Camels” — April 16, 2012
“Rhinos & Elephants—Oh My!” — March 12, 2012
“The Heat in Africa” — March 5, 2012
“Hidden Treasures in the Black Hills” — Sept 16, 2011
“Wild Horses” — Sept 1, 2011
“Walking in Prague” — May 26, 2011
“Bhutan and the Happiness Factor” — May 6, 2011
“The Grace of Glaciers” — March 23, 2011
“Patagonia: The Other End of the Hemisphere” — March 11, 2011
“Building Walls in Nicaragua” — February 4, 2011
“INTERNATIONAL MAIL” a column in JEMS, June 1981 to May 1982:
- June: Fiji
- July: New Zealand in a Nutshell
- August: New Zealand’s South Island
- September: Australia’s EMS
- October: Japan
- November: Hong Kong
- December: Singapore
- January, 1982: Maldives
- February: Israel
- March: West Germany
- April: Sweden
- May: England
- “A Journey Ends” (feature), in JEMS 7, June 1982.
“CARDIOLOGY PRACTICUM” a column in JEMS July 1986 to April, 1992
(under pseudonym of Syd Canan, with Mike Taigman:
”Precursors to Complete Heart Block,” July 1986
“Left Ventricular Tachycardia,” August 1986
“Hypokalemia,” September 1986
“Pacers and Complete Heart Block,” November 1986
“LGL Syndrome,” January 1987
“Torsade de Pointes,” February 1987
“Avoiding Preassessment,” June 1987
“A Long Time To Call,” September 1987
“Looking For Zebras,” December 1987
“After The Fall,” March 1988
“Looks, Smells, Sounds, Tastes Like an MI...Is it an MI?,” May 1988
“Crack This Case,” July 1988
“Holiday Heart Syndrome,” September, 1988
“Back to Basics,” February 1989
“A Tough Call Means Tough Choices,” April 1989
“Taking a Chance on Cardioversion,” June, 1989
“There’s No Convenient Diagnosis Slot.” February 1990
“Reading Bundle Branch Blocks,” May, 1990
“Don’t Deviate on Axis Assessment” August, 1990
“Look Out For Hemiblock” December, 1990
“The Reclassification of AV Blocks” April 1991
“Precursors to Complete Heart Block,” September 1991
“The Push for 12-lead EKGs”, April 1992
“NUGGETS”, a column in Rescue Magazine November 1988 until May/June,1992:
“Innocent Bystanders”, November 1988 (Premier Issue)
“When The Patient is Someone You Know,” March/April 1989.
“The Eyes Have It,” May/June 1989
“How To Remember Names,” July/August, 1989.
“How To Beat Hysteria,” January/ February 1990.
“Things Not To Say,” March/April 1990.
“The Value of Verbalization,” July/August 1990.
“Restoring Energy With Inner Strength,” Sept/Oct.,1990.
“Five Elements of a Good Question,” March/April, 1991.
“Saying “ME” Is Good For You,” July/August 1991.
“Vocal Calibration Lends Meaning To Words,” Sept/Oct 1991.
“Dead and Other Tough Words,” Jan/Feb. 1992.
“Hands On,” May/June, 1992, about compassionate touch
“STREET SMARTS” a column in EMS Magazine, with Denis Meade, Nov.1997 - Dec.2000:
Introductory column (by Denis), Nov. 1997
“Hide and Seek,” Encountering Handguns on the Streets”, Jan. 1998
“Meeting The Climate Challenge,” March 1998
“Cover and Concealment,” April 1998
“Transporting Patients Down Stairs: Feetfirst or Headfirst?”
May 1998
“On Body Armor” June 1998
“Close Encounters of the Canine Kind” July 1998
“Safety and the Field/Dispatch Connection,” August 1998
“To Be Or Not To Be...Seen”, October 1998
“Principles of Emergency Vehicle Placement,” November 1998
“Don’t Back out of EMS!”, January 1999
“This Little Light of Mine...” April 1999
“Life’s Little Safety Signs,” May 1999
“Junior Partner Woes,” June 1999
“Be (Fully) Prepared,” July 1999
“Are YOU Trigger Happy?” August 1999
“Homemade Weapons,” September 1999
“Partner Down!” November 1999
“Look Before You Leap” - January 2000
“Putting The Common Back Into Courtesy” - March 2000
“Safe & Effective Use of Interpreters” - April 2000
“Parents: Secondary Patients” - April 2000
“Dermal Diagnosis” - May 2000
“Parents: The “Secondary Patients” - June 2000
“Soap For Safety” - August 2000
“Drop That Medical Kit!” - September 2000
“Asleep at the Wheel” - November 2000 (final column)
“STRAIGHT TALK” - a monthly Internet column for MergiNET, Nov.1996 - June 2003:
An Introduction, November 1996
Bite Your Tongue (on listening), January 1997
Salsa/Saucer (a story), February 1997
Joan’s Sad Story, March 1997
A Sense of Consideration, April 1997
A Habit To Think About, May 1997
Who Me? Violent?, June 1997
Patience, July 1997
Talk, Talk, August 1997
Tone of Voice, September 1997
On Airbags, October 1997
The Gift, Nov/Dec., 1997
Regrets, January 1998
Hazing, February, 1998
Looking Through The Lens, March 1998
Talk About Style, April 1998
Cream of the Crop, May 1998
Two Things You Should Never Say, July 1998
Loyalty, August 1998
‘Tis Better to Give Than To Receive, Nov/Dec 1998
“Consolation,” February 1999
“Stick in the Eye,” April 1999
“Ripple Effects, Big & Small”, May, 1999
“Getting A Grip,” July 1999
“Risk-Takers,” August 1999
“No ‘Right’ Time to Get Into Shape,” September 1999
“The Art of Asking Questions,” October 1999
“Fat City,” Nov/Dec 1999
“Obsession With Numbers,” January 2000
“Redundancy,” February 2000
“Thank Goodness....” March 2000
“Fun With Words,” April 2000
“Fear,” May, 2000
“Bless The Lifesavers” - June 2000
“Margins” - July 2000
“You Never Know” - August 2000
“Partisanship” - September 2000
“The Plumber’s Bill” - October 2000
“Good Days and Bad Days” - November 2000
“Walking on Ice,” December 2000
“I Don’t Wanna,” January 2001
“Tools or Toys?” February 2001
“Quotable Quotes” – March 2001
“Paying Attention” – April 2001
“No Sticks” – May 2001
“Cynics” – June 2001
“Leadership” – July 2001 (Reprinted in EMS Magazine)
“Learning Curves” – August 2001
“Soft Eyes,” – September 2001
“Full-body Multi-Tasking” – October 2001
“Lions and Tigers and Bears” – November 2001
“Fast Forward” – December 2001
“Cell Phones” – January 2002
“Heart and Soul” - February 2002
“Star of the Team – March 2002
“Get Well” – April 2002
“-ist” – May 2002
“Resentment” – June 2002
“Sunglasses” – July 2002
“Blow Up / Blow Over” – August 2002
“Forgiveness” – September 2002
“Recharge Batteries” – October 2002
“Uneven Pathways” – November 2002
“The Dreaded” – December 2002
“Not Til I Need You” – January 2003
“Life is Not Risk Free” – February 2003
“Disengage The Fear” – March 2003
“Following Too Close” – April 2003
“Life and Death” – May 2003
“Journey Ends” – June 2003 (concluding column)
“TOTAL PATIENT CARE,” a column in On Scene, 1990-1991, as follows:
“The Overall Concept,”, July 1990.
“Customer Service,” September, 1990.
“Listening,” March, 1991.
“Turning Grey Into Silver,” April, 1991.
“We Save Lives Myth,” July 1991.
(bi-monthly in JEMS beginning Jan.2018):
“When GPS Fails: Three Valuable Skills” – January 2018
“Improvisation: It Might Be All You Have” – March 2018
“Chest Pain: Always the same, but never the same” - May 2018
“Prepping for Situations that May Never Happen,” - October 2018. Online only, at:,
accessed October 18, 2018.
“Paramedics For Children: Making a Difference in Honduras,” in JEMS (36-41), Feb.2018
“The Next Breath,” The Journal of Emergency Dispatch, Sept-Oct 2013. Online at
“Unplugged,” in South Loop Review, Volume 15 (149-153), Oct.2013
“Return of the Kingsley,” in Grand Rapids Magazine, Mar.2012
“Eighth Day Farm,” in Grand Rapids Magazine, May2012
“Happily Ever After at Home,” in Grand Rapids Magazine, Jun.2012
“The Good Life” in Grand Rapids Magazine, Jun.2012
“Rehab,” in Animal Literary Magazine, at, posted in Nonfiction on Sep.28, 2012
“Custom-fit fitness,” in Grand Rapids Magazine, Oct.2012
“Guest Editorial: The Eldest Provisional Firefighter,” EMS World (online),, Dec.6, 2012
“Sylvia McDonald Has Always Believed in Being Correct,” Chronicle of the Horse, Jan 24.
“Coming Back,” Airplane Reading (online journal) — Nov. 25.
“Uneven Terrain” in Apropos (online journal) – Dec.20.
“Ten Trying Days: A Volunteer’s View of the WEG,” Chronicle of the Horse, Nov.5
“Janice Holmes Lives & Breathes Horses to Her Heart’s Content,” Chronicle of the Horse, Jan.23
“The Willmarths Have Built Their Field of Dreams at Richland Park,” Chronicle of the Horse, Jan.4, 2008.
“Richland Park Horse Trials” [need proper title], Chronicle of the Horse, Sept 2(?).
“Safe Riding Clinic at Richland Park Deemed A Success,”, Sep.2
“Dianette Hight, An engineering volunteer,” GR Magazine, Feb.2007
“Eileen DeVries, Cultivating Her Garden,” GR Magazine, Apr.2007
“Butterflies of West Michigan,” Grand Gardens, May 2007
“Michelle Van Dyke, Banking on West Michigan,” GR Magazine, May 2007
“Shelley Irwin, Voice of the Public,” GR Magazine, Jun.2007
“Stayner Haller Has Found His Perfect Challenge” The Chronicle of the Horse, Oct. 25, 2007
“Laura Schwenk-Berman, Directing the Dance,” GR Magazine, Dec.2007
“Susan Heartwell, A Heart For Kids,” GR Magazine, Apr.2006
“Maeve McInerney, A Model Citizen,” GR Magazine, Oct.2006
“Beverly Wall, Farm Girl No More,” GR Magazine, Nov.2006
“Laurie Cirivello, An Advocate for the Center,” GR Magazine, Dec.2006
“Julie Christianson Stivers, Community Connections,” GR Magazine, Feb.2005
“Patricia Birkholz, Breaking New Ground, GR Magazine, Mar.2005
“Mercedes Toohey, Solution Seeker,” GR Magazine, Apr.2005
“LaRissa Hollingsworth,” GR Magazine, May.2005
“Patricia Clark,” GR Magazine, Jun.2005
“Joan Garety,” GR Magazine, Aug.2005
“Mary Alice Williams,” GR Magazine, Sep.2005
“Marcia Bishop,” GR Magazine, Oct.2005
“Carol Moore, The Rejuvenator,” GR Magazine, Nov.2005
“Lorretta Walton,” GR Magazine, Dec.2005
“Mini-Calders Inspire Grand Creativity,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Jun.2004
“Spending time with dad,” Grand Rapids Family, Jun.2004
“Plop Down for the Pops,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Jul.2004
“Prostitution Roundtable: Innovative Solutions Help Women Make Better Choices,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Aug.2004
“Hunters Run 2004,” Equine Times, Sep.2004
“Old Glory Times 56” (about the Alticor Flags), GR Magazine, Nov.2004
“Sweet Dreams: Sleep Deprivation and Shift Work in EMS,” EMS Magazine, Feb.2003
“The Amateur Airwaves,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Mar.2003
“Scene Safety Vs Duty to Care,” with Kathy West, EMS Magazine, May 2003
“Whatever Happened to...?” Grand Rapids Magazine, Aug.2002
“The Hearse Undertaker,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Oct.2002
“Walker has a Meaningful Win at Richland Park Inaugural Horse Trials,” The Chronicle of the Horse (!), Oct. 18, 2002
“One of Our Own Runs for D.C. City Council,” MERGINET News & EMS Magazine, Oct.2002
“Taught At Home,” in Grand Rapids Family, Feb.2001
“Former Racehorses Find Successful Second Careers,” Equine Times, Mar.2001
“Still Juggling After All These Years: What Women Want,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Mar.2001
“Quilting in the 21 st Century,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Mar.2001
“The Gumption to Go,” Dana Hall Bulletin, Spring 2001
“Thorns in the Thornapple’s Future?” Grand Rapids Magazine, Jun.2001
“Dancing To A New Tune,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Oct.2001
“Utah Prepares for the Olympic Games,” MERGINET.News and EMS Magazine, Nov. 2001
“Getting The Most from the Parent-Teacher Relationship,” in Grand Rapids Family, Dec.2001
“Another Day on the River,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Mar.2000
“When A Child Has Cancer,” Grand Rapids Family, Sep.2000
“The Stuff Crisis,” (an essay), On The Town, Oct.2000
“Expedition Medic: International Mail,” EMS Magazine, Oct.2000
“I Want THAT For Christmas!,” Grand Rapids Magazine, Dec.2000
“Letting Go,” JEMS, May 1999
“The Educational Hourglass,” JEMS, Sep.1999
“My X Factor,” (an essay), On The Town (Grand Rapids monthly), Oct.1999
“The Blue Nile: An Adventurer’s Journal” (a 4-part series) in Lowell Ledger, Nov & Dec.1999
“Grand River Pony Club Wins At Regional Dressage Rally,” in Lowell Ledger, Equine Times, and Advance Newspapers, July & August 1998
“Scene Control & Choreography, in EMS Rescue Technology, Mar.1997
“Taking Time to Inform & Pamper Ourselves,” in Metropolitan Woman, May.1997
“Guns & Suicide: Rescuer Safety Issues,” in EMS Rescue Technology, Jun.1997
“On Aspirin”, in JEMS, Sep.1997
“Are We Getting the Help We Need?” in JEMS, Aug.1995
“Working To End Violence Against Women” in Metropolitan Woman, Oct.1995
“Little Habits That Could Save You,” Syd Canan and Jon Seaver (reprinted from JEMS), On Scene, Jan.1994
“Approach With Caution,” Syd Canan & Jon Seaver (reprinted from JEMS), On Scene, Jan.1994
“Three Phrases To Avoid,” in On Scene, Mar/Apr.1994 (reprinted from Rescue Magazine)
Kent County Literacy Council newsletters: various tutor profiles
“The Inadvertent Dojo,” in Aikido Today Magazine, Summer 1994
“Tips on Defusing A Violent Situation,” JEMS, Jul.1993
“It’s All in the Mind,” (book review), JEMS, Sep.1993
“Have We Really Come a Long Way? Women In EMS Survey Results,” JEMS Feb.1992
“Managing Bystanders” (script). Emergency Medical Update (monthly video), Apr.1992
“We’re Only Human,” On Scene (reprinted from Rescue), July-Aug.1992
“Stress Management” (script). Emergency Medical Update (monthly video), Dec.1992
“Kaisen: Continuous Improvement is a Lifelong Challenge,” (with Mike Taigman), in JEMS, Jan.1991
“Kaisen: EMS Is Theater of The Streets,” (with Mike Taigman), in JEMS, Mar.1991
“Approach With Caution: Surviving On The Street,” (as Syd Canan, with Jon Seaver), JEMS, Apr.1991, re-printed in OnScene, Dec.1993
“Book Review: When Violence Erupts”, JEMS, April 1991.
“We’re Only Human: How Crisis Impacts Our Lives,” Rescue, May/Jun.1991
“The Graying of EMS,” JEMS, Aug.1991
“Effective Interaction With The Elderly,” Rescue-EMS Magazine, July-Aug.1991
“Pre-employment Back Injury Screening: The Employer’s Crystal Ball,” with Casey Terribilini, JEMS, Oct.1991
“Overcoming Obstacles: Three Inspirational Paramedics,” (under pseudonym of Syd Canan), JEMS, Oct.1991
“Five Elements of a Good Question,” On Scene, Oct.1991
“Self Care is Not Selfish,” On Scene, Dec.1991
“There Are No Stupid Calls” (Guest Comment), JEMS Feb.1990
“Street-wise Decisions,” Emergency, Feb.1989
“Total Self-Care: Basic Stress Management - and More,” Emergency Medical Services 16:2, Mar.1989
“Martial Arts and EMS,” JEMS 14, Mar.1989
“Total Patient Care: Treating Your Patient as a Person,” (with Oskar Thurnher), JEMS 14, May 1989
“Grasping Objectives of Long-Bone Splinting,” (written under pseudonym of Syd Canan), Rescue Magazine Sep/Oct.1989
“The Bottom Line in Rescue,” Rescue Magazine Sep/Oct.1989
“Don’t Break Your Back For The Job,” (cover feature, with Casey Terribilini). JEMS 14:10, Oct.1989.
“EMS at the Games: Preparing for the 1988 Winter Olympics,” JEMS, Jan.1988
“The Far Limits of Rural EMS,” JEMS, Apr.1988
“Prejudice: Spoiling the Melting Pot Brew,” (cover feature) JEMS, Apr.1988
“Where Have All the Paramedics Gone?” (special report) JEMS, Apr.1988
“Recognition of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Advanced EKG Interpretation,” (under pseudonym of Syd Canan, with Mike Taigman), JEMS, Oct.1987
“Poison Control Centers,” in JEMS, Vol.11, No.1, Jan.1986
“The ‘We Save Lives’ Myth,” (guest editorial) in JEMS, Vol.11, No.3, Mar.1986
“Big Bodies: How To Deal With Them,” (cover feature), in JEMS, Sep.1986
“EMS in the Workplace,” in Working Woman, June 1985
“Local Firms Find Outward Bound a Peak Tool,” (feature), in Rocky Mountain Business Journal, Jan.1984
“Take a Meeting, Outward Bound Style” (feature), in Ozark (Ozark Airlines in-flight magazine) Feb.1984
“Onward, Upward, and Outward Bound” (cover feature), in Executive Female (National Association of Female Executives), March/April, 1984
“Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy” (cover feature), in JEMS 9, Aug.1984
“Surveying the Gender Gap” (cover feature), in JEMS 9, Sep.1984
“Attitudes on Women in EMS, Part II” in JEMS 9, Oct.1984
“Understanding and Learning” (excerpts from Streetsense, Part I), JEMS, Oct.1984
“The Urban ‘Small’ Community” (special report), in JEMS 9, Oct.1984
“Surveying the Gender Gap, Part 3: Measuring Skills” in JEMS, Vol.9, No.11, Nov.1984
“Communications, Safety, and Control” (excerpts from Streetsense, Part II), in JEMS 9, Nov.1984
“Onward, Upward, and Outward Bound” (from The Executive Female March/April, 1984) reprinted as a direct mail brochure by Colorado Outward Bound School, Denver, Colorado. Nov.1984
“Control” (excerpts from Streetsense, Part III), in JEMS 9, Dec.1984
“Maltreatment of Children: Recognition and Care in the Prehospital Setting,” (cover feature) in JEMS 8, February 1983
“Child Maltreatment, Part II,” (feature) in JEMS 8, March 1983
“Chiropractors Gain Public Trust,” in Washington Park Profile. March 1983
“Digging Out in Denver” (special report on EMS in the Christmas blizzard, co-author Keith Neely, EMT-P), in JEMS 8, March 1983
“The Diabetic Patient” (cover feature), in JEMS 8, April 1983
“Counseling Available at Community Center,” in Washington Park Profile, April 1983
“Understanding Seizures” (cover feature), in JEMS 7, Oct.1982
“Understanding Seizures,” (reprinted from JEMS), in Journal of Winter Emergency Care 7:2 (National Ski Patrol). Fall 1982
“Denver’s Darn Good System” (about EMS in Denver), in Rocky Mountain News, Jan.16, 1981
“Denver, Colorado EMS” (feature), in Ambulance News 14:2 (New Zealand). Jul.1981
“Southeast Asians: A Cross-cultural Medical Challenge” (feature), JEMS 6, May1981
“A Good Save Can Make Their Day” (feature, under pseudonym of Syd Canan), in Gung-Ho Magazine, Dec.1981
“The Public Inebriate: A Complex Problem,” (cover feature) in JEMS (journal of emergency medical services) 5:2, Apr.1980
“The Public Inebriate,” (reprinted from JEMS), in First Aid Bulletin (Official Publication of Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads). Jun.1980 & Jul.1980
“The Power of Paperwork,” (cover feature), in JEMS 5, Jul.1980
“Hospitals and Helicopters: The Ups and Downs of Care from the Air” (cover feature), in JEMS 5:9, Nov.1980
“Disaster Equipment: A Weak Link in the Rescue Chain,” (feature) co-authored with Judy Jo Wells-Mackie, R.N., in Emergency 12:12. Dec.1980
“Cross Country Skiing,” (feature) in Commonwealth Monthly Magazine (Boston, Mass.). Feb.1976
“In Case of Emergency...” (cover feature), in Commonwealth Monthly Magazine. Mar.1976
“Inner Preservation” (feature article on transcendental meditation), in Commonwealth Monthly Magazine. Apr.1976
“Summersense” (a weekly column on backcountry safety), in the Vail Villager (CO) newspaper. Summer 1976
“Tour Ski or Not Tour Ski,” in Commonwealth Monthly Magazine. Dec.1976