Streetsense IV
Does your work in emergency care need a streetsense infusion? Try Streetsense IV – that is, the 4th edition of this longtime participant within the ranks of EMS literature! Often referred to (by others) as an “EMS classic,” the new edition has arrived after a lengthy gestation. Writing a book is similar to having a baby, what with the dreams of creating something and waiting out the months of researching, writing, editing, reviewing, producing. Then...voila! One day there’s a box on your doorstep and you open it to hold your latest “baby” in your arms for the first time. It’s pretty darned cool.
Unlike prior editions, this one is written more inclusively of the wide spectrum of emergency care providers: in addition to those working from ambulances, it addresses the needs of firefighters, medical first responders, search and rescue personnel, and anyone else who puts themselves out there into the risky world of the streets to help others.
Like other editions, the premise is that in addition to the medical and technical demands of the care we give, we need strategies and skills to manage the people and environment safely and effectively. That includes everything from the huge topic of interpersonal communication to safe ways to approach the scenes we enter (including the impact of our own worldviews), how to get along with colleagues, and ways to manage the stress, the death, the legal risks, and the end of the day when you get to go home again.
Streetsense dedication
Updated information includes all the stuff that has come along since the 3rd edition in 1996, such as social media, video-taping, active shooters, increased violence against us, and much, much more.
Who would have ever imagined in the early 1980s that Streetsense would translate across so many changing times, or that it would persist in the hearts of so many of its loyal supporters? Thank you, each of you who prodded and supported me to work the material over yet again. It’s a better book, thanks to you.
To buy Streetsense IV go to Use code KATED at checkout, for 30% off the book. (Reviews on the publisher’s site, or on, would be very welcome, just sayin’...!)